The 7 Hidden Costs of ERP Implementation

The last thing you want is for the quote in your hand to be a much lower number than you actually end up spending.

Some expenses can be obvious, like hardware, software licence fees, maintenance—while others you didn’t even see coming.

Be on your guard against seven hidden costs of ERP implementation.

Loupe avec signe de dollar devant un écran

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ERP Evaluation Checklist

Using our ERP Evaluation Checklist helps you rate ERPs around key criteria like productivity, functionality, technology, value and risk.

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How to find out which ERP best fits your needs

While it may be true that ERP systems have similarities, the devil is really in the details. The differences are what makes the system appropriate, usable, and beneficial to your organization and its specific needs. In this guide, we explain how to decide which ERP system best fits your company.

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ERP Project Justification: ROI

Your business needs are unique, so there is no “generic” ROI analysis that will reveal which solution is best for you.

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