Should I move my ERP to the cloud?

Okay, so you’re ready to replace your worn out, decrepit ERP system with something new, dynamic, fresh, and efficient. Now for the next big question: is a cloud-based ERP system right for you?

Cloud computing is part of nearly everybody’s digital landscape and isn’t just for personal computing any longer. But how do you know if an ERP fully hosted in the cloud is right for you? Why should you forgo the traditional on-premise ERP system for a cloud-based approach?

This guide gives you a few things to consider when deciding on a cloud-based system, including:

Morceaux de casse-tête imbriqués dans une loupe

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10 tips for smarter ERP system selection

Selecting the right ERP system for your business is a delicate process which must be given special attention. Fortunately, there is a smart way to assess various ERP solutions to select the one that will best meet your business needs.

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Business Intelligence: more than a dashboard

Our guide "Business Intelligence: More Than a Dashboard" provides insights on how to leverage BI to build customized reports.

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ERP Go-Live Strategies

Going live with your new ERP system is exciting. It can also be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Working with the right ERP implementation partner should put your mind at ease. Choosing the right launch strategy helps too.

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